Adriana Santos
Instructional Designer, Graphic Designer, Web Designer and Storyteller.
My journey
I can say that curiosity, joy and creativity are the three main characteristics that define me. Since childhood, I have had a wealth of learning and knowledge that complement each other and reflect the love I have for everything I do.
Due to my interest in adding, I bring into my repertoire what I learned – and continue to learn – from photography, cinema, writing, literature, the various artistic and cultural manifestations and also the varied purposes of design.
I was born in the city of Pelotas, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. I lived in Porto Alegre and Florianópolis before landing in Ottawa, Canada, where I am currently.
University of the Valley
do Itajai - Univali
Specialization in Graphic Design
Catholic University
of Pelotas - UcPel
Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication
Advertising and marketing
Graphic designer
In 2005, I started activities involving the creation of visual identity, logo, layout of printed and digital books, web layout and website construction.
Instructional Designer
Since 2011 I have been working on identifying improvements, editing and adapting content to the most diverse formats and platforms.
Since 2015, I have been working as an instructional video, animation and games screenwriter, in which, based on an idea or content, I define, create and organize the information to be recorded or programmed.
I've always been telling stories, but in 2019 I became a professional to help and teach people and companies to better present their purposes, products or services.
I wrote many poems and poetry as a teenager. Reports of passions, at that stage, were very common. Years later, when studying and exercising narrative constructions of different genres, I chose Conto to add to my favorites in literature, despite writing other strands.
A mentor
On a platform called Clubhouse , based on streaming audio, in addition to lecturing, I teach classes and propose exercises in creative writing, short stories, micro-stories and storytelling.